Jeez – this
is gonna be a hard one to write, considering how delayed this post is – but
looking at the pictures, we didn’t do much, so there is not that much to
remember ;)
Well, we
did actually do a lot – especially eat J– that’s for sure. And shop till we
(quite literally) dropped – or fell ill – which is exactly what happened to me L Never
shopped so much they I got sick before.. haha J
Anyhoo – on
our very first day we fell flat onto our backs, funny that a train ride of
sitting and looking can make one so tired. It was 6 and a half hours through
Slovakia, all very pretty – my granny and mum are rather obsessed with trains
and trams and any form of moving transport – I on the other hand, find it
rather difficult to stay awake on them. This is wonderful for an insomniac like
me who can finally welcome sleep – but for them it’s rather infuriating. “You
can’t possibly sleep now, you’ve got to look at the countryside!” And I really
can’t help it – narcoleptic anyone?
Anyway even
after all my dozing I too was tired and joined the family for an early evening
in. Our apartment was huge, and with two terraces – one on the roof with
panoramic views of the entire city. And Budapest sure knows how to put on a
show – lighting up at night, it looks like a fairytale land. Magic.
Sian and I
did pop into the teeniest tiniest super market you ever did see – you almost
have to put your basket on your head to squish through. Needless to say we
understood nothing, had no idea what was what – and did our best to guess if
cream was milk or yogurt was cheese. Not quite but you catch my drift.
following day we did one of our follow your noses days – and our noses took us
to the Terror Hasa where we learnt all about communism and the persecution of
the Jews – it’s all rather frightful – man is an evil beast. And communism terrifies
me. Especially being someone who thinks that freedom is the most important
thing in life and without it, there is no point in living. I think the most
fascinating thing is the power and will to survive. Some of these people were
tortured and tortured and tortured some more, and given the possibility to end
it did not take it – as there is the will to survive, the belief that things
can and will change and the strength to hold onto that hope, not to give up.
It’s incredible. Moves you.
So then of
coarse it was time to eat. And eat a three course meal we did. Yum yum yum J My
friend kept getting pictures of what we were doing and he mostly got pictures
of food – says it all J
After this
we walked – walked off the meal I guess J The buildings are beautiful so an
amble is always a treat! We then took a scenic tram ride along the Danube and
afterwards landed up watching the sunset and then the lights came out –
sparkling all over Budapest.. it really is the most beautiful city I have ever
Oh lordy!!
I have to mention the metros!! Have a look at the pictures and you will see the
height I am talking about – of the escalators that is – and they go so fast, I
mean there should be seats and seatbelts for heaven sakes – it really is a
terrifying business.
Righto – so
we went to the Szechenyi thermal Spa –
which is the biggest one in Europe and It was such a treat, huge pools with
different temperatures, some whirl pooling, others bubbling, some with
fountains others still. I think after such a jam packed and fun filled trip – a
day at such a spa was essential. We also went for massages – the first my
granny has ever had – I can’t understand that but am happy she’s finally had
one! My best thing in the world. Except I had a big burly and toothless (rather
scary) looking Hungarian man rubbing me - which was not too much to my liking
but hey.. all part of the experience I guess.
Ok – so
I’ll end this here.. my memory’s jammed J I’ll do the rest tomorrow.. oh it’s
rather sad looking back, I’m craving to go there again! Although I did bring a
goulash recipe pack back with me, so maybe that’ll help – food always does J