Sunday, 30 September 2012

22. Goodbye Phuket!

Wow. Goodbye's are everywhere – so sad – I had to try not to cry when Sean left – I'm his big sister and now he's gone back home to his “fake” one. What a fucking liberty! :) Also had to say a biiig goodbye to Brad and Slash yesterday– and I can feel their presence gone! :( Hope I get to see them again at some point. Both nutters:) Then we had to say goodbye to Bob, Meggie and Kezla – but meeting Bob the builder and Kezla in two days so that's exciting:) And Meggie is staying in Thailand so she'll be around:) She is quite possibly the sweetest person I have ever met! I don't think she's ever said a bad thing about anybody – which is a huge feat when your twenty people living, working and playing together for a month 24/7.

And to be perfectly honest I had my first two fanfuckingtastic goodbye's since I’ve arrived in Thailand – nearly three months ago. Two of the most bitchy, gossip snuggling, men craving, back stabbing fuckwads I have ever met. I do not fare well with all that crap. Now that they are gone, I can feel that the energy has shifted, we are no longer living in high school, or deal with two people who clearly do. I'm happy I’m a straight up person, watching their behaviour only makes me happy that I have never had to deal with girls like that in my life. I love you South Africa, you gypsie rock country! :)

Anyhoo..Time to say goodbye to Phuket.. and start a new adventure – wooooooopa! Off to Bangkok tonight – for a few mad days and then were jumping on a train and heading to Chang Mai for some jungle rumbles:)

The last week of the TEFL course nearly did me in – two exams – two lessons – game night – one on one ass, and classes. Come Friday I was done. Finished. I could not spell “Banana” let alone function for another hour. I don't think I've ever had to work that intensely in my life – I am also used to doing Acting – which is a completely different way of learning – anyhoo, it's done – I feel like I’ve accomplished something and happy to be done – time to breathe – sleep in and do whatever we fucking feel like:) Got a hair cut today – makes me feel like I’m shedding all the TEFL stuff and starting on a new chapter – yay!

Sooooo excited to leave this evening! But I am sad to say goodbye to my darling Pelin and Meg – who are staying in Phuket – I will definitely see them again, but dammit I’m gonna miss them ladies! Luckily I have the ever so fabulous Katie – who is determined to see a cock fight in gawd :P And of coarse there is Dylan and Pete – damn boys – we've decided we are going to feed Dylan to the cocks at the fight. Or chuck him off a temple – we haven’t made up our minds yet. And Kezla and Bob the builder are flying in on Tuesday morning – so stoked – because bob is bob and Kezla is Kezla. Yep.

Love to all!
Oh! A special mention has to go out to Freddie - if you come to Phuket Town and see this gorgeous speciman - give him some love - he just loves it! A darling heart - wish i could take him with me.. :(


  1. Hey, what's this Fuck Canada shit? We aren't all bad!.Love the new hair and am enjoying reading of your excellent adventure.....keep on truckin....Alan

  2. oh Alan:) no they're not:) i'm actually travelling with one at the moment:)and she's lovely!! When i say "Fuck Canada" i'm just being "in the moment" you know me ;P


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