Thursday, 8 November 2012

24. A Malaysian memory :)

Sama Sama everyone! That's welcome in Malay, which my new found Chienese Malay friend, Toogle – aka Tony but he is an information machine so Toogle he is indeed:) taught us..I had to do a visa run – and since flying out of the North is a vast expense – I took a 22 hour bus ride – from Chiang Mai to Phuket – and let me just say that that particular bus, The Green Bus – should be given many an award! Blankets, breakfast, lunch and dinner! Snacks, a very clean bathroon (with a delicious smelling sope) your chair even has a massage button – yes mummy – you would be in heaven! Friendly staff, a T.V of your own and a beautiful view– just like a plane, only on land:) When I arrived in Phuket I had lunch with some of my TEFL family, Slash, Pete, Meg and Katie – it was the vegetarian festival so no chicken for me :( Then got on a plane - exactly like the green bus only in the air:)with only my small bag – so freeing to travel so light! Off to Malaysia..!

OMG. Well, the sky train is magical! I have never been anywhere but South Africa and Thailand so you can imagine how the transport there impressed me! I kept laughing to myself, ”It is so obvious I am from a third world country..” But I must say i'm rather delighted because it makes me so easily impressed.. "You mean this machine rides on magnets!?”  :D

I spent the next hour listening to this Australian man talking to his Cambodian “Bar girl” about how his mother doesn't like that he is in his fourties flying to 'n from Asia to pay to be with these women, and how if..and I quote.."If you are good tomorrow at the track, I will give you a present when it's finished." She went on to ask how much shopping she could get done, and then he would explain that his last trip with his other lady was rather expensive, so she would have to watch the spending this time, but that if she was extra nice to him that evening, he may change his mind.. Holy hell. He was also talking so loudly – completely unfazed that everyone in the cart could hear his every word. Anyhoo, I found it rather interesting, unlike the muslim men sitting opposite me.

It's so strange how accustomed you become to a place, three months is Thailand and certain habits have formed.. Namely, I always greet someone with my hands clasped together, “Sawadee Ka.” I did this in the airport and suddenly went, “Oh sorry, I mean Hello..” and then once I had gottten the directions, gave the same gesture, “Kap Kun Ka..oh no..i mean thank you.” And I found I missed Thailand already. “They dont understand me here..” :)

After the train I got a taxi that then dropped me off in China Town and said I had to walk down the path and the hotel would be there. As if. And when I tried to ask for directions, I was not received well by the Muslim community. Needless to say I eventually found it, and once inside was met by this charming old Chienese Malyasian man, Tony.. who said, "Oh, you must be Megan..Pelin is waiting for you on the roof. Go up and ill bring us some beers." I beamed from ear to ear! What a relief!! Pelin's passport has only four or so months left on it so to leave the country was going to be a toss up..and it's a Muslim country..and she's Turkish..need I say more? But alas, the universe and my mummy's white light had done their job – and my Turkish delight was aloud in! I dashed up to the roof and grabbed this delectable creature and we just swung eachother around and around – having not seen eachother since we finished the TEFL course..ah! What a moment! We were two peas in a pod for such a long time, so it was so beautiful to be sitting with her on the rooftop – drinking a beer – looking over a whole new country!

Malaysia surprised me, I thought it was going to be..well..nothing to write home about. I'm not sure why but I only thought of the place as a “Visa Run” destination – I actually said to this Swedish girl,”So why are you here?” And she said,”What do you mean?” And I said,”I mean do you need to get out of Thailand or something for a Visa?” She looked puzzled,”No, I havn't been to Thailand yet..I'm here to see Malaysia.” We both laughed. Turns out I love the place and hope to be back some day to see more of it! I'm so glad we stayed for longer – because it's a really special country with so much history and the politics are endless.. and anyone who knows me knows that I love a good political convo – and “Toogle” was great for that! The country is very divided, with majority being Muslim (roughly 50%) then Chinese Malay's (30%) and then Indian's (20%) Speaking of Indians – Pelin and I went to “Little India” which was beautiful – so colourful! It poured with rain for a while and we just sat on the pavement – under cover – looking at the reflections in the water – it seemed to sparkle rainbows!

The buildings there are something else, you have the old Brittish colonial buildings (my personal favourite!) with this backdrop of gold and glass skyscrapers – so different but it works a treat! I kept having to catch my breath, “Oh, Pelin I just can't handle this – look there! Look there! Ah, magnificient.” :)

Hindu temples, China town (much better than the one in Bangkok!) caves and MacDonalds:) - yep! It's super cheap there so we just couldn't resist! Although we did eat Indian and Malaysian food too! Toogle made us one of his favourite dishes, afterwhich he did some wacko massages on us – and then told us our fortunes.. Pelin is going to receive a huge some of money that will make her very rich – and she won't have to work for it- she's just going to get it one day, "Out of the sky." I am not going to be rich, but I will always have enough. He did tell me that I always get money and then it always, "Goes down the draWin." Well, this is true. He said if I buy my birth stone and wear it on my two hands – a ring on each – this will keep the money safe. I plan to do this as soon as I can find some! Top priority! He also said that I must make sure I always do something creative to feed my soul, and that I will have two children. “Two Tony!?!?” “Yes. Two.” “Are you sure?” “Yes. Why are you upset?” “I cant have two!” “Why is that too much?” “No it's not enough, I need atleast four!” At this he cackles – he really does laugh like that Chienese dude in the Hangover – he REALLY does – it's hilarious – you can't help but laugh with him. Anyway, he preceded to tell me that it was not something I could change – I will only have two – but can have more that are not biologically mine. So whatever, i'll adpot. Pffft. Watch me prove him wrong. The thing is he was right about everything life, all relationships, work etc. Still he cant be right about this. I refuse.

The funniest moment in Malaysia must have been when Pelin and I were arguing in the street – Toogle had taken us to get some coffee because Pelin said, “If I dont get coffee I will be a bitch.” :) Needless to say it was a tad too late :P

Megan..Megan..Megan..Megan..MEGAN!!!!” I was standing taking a picture, some distance from her – right by all the cars..“What?” “I'm trying to call you!!” “I couldn't hear you.” “Yes you could!!” “No Pelin I can't hear you – the traffic is too loud.” “Well, come here!!” “I'm trying to take a picture Pelin, wait!!” “Fine!!” “Dont talk to me like that Pelin!!” “Excuse me!?” “I said..” At this point Pelin, Tony and I are standing at the booth about to get a coffee – Tony is ordering it..and there are lots of people around us.. "One coffee Kap Kun Ka..i mean thank you.” “I'd also like one Please.” “Really, so you want coffee!?” “Yes I want coffee why wouldnt I want coffee??” “Sugar.” “She definitely needs sugar.” “Excuse Me, what was that..yes sugar please.” “Nothing.” “Ah, fuck whatever. You definitely need your coffee.” “You think i'm a bitch!?” “Milk?” “Do you!??” “Milk?” “Yes she'll have milk. Thank you.” “What was that!?” “I said you will have milk!!” “You too?” “Yes please.” “Whatever.” “Oh, fuck off!!” And the whole time Tony was just standing there cackling to himself,”You ladies are so funny!” And the rest of the world was staring at us in disbelief.

I cannot put into words how frantic these fifteen minutes were – and that evening on the roof – the three of us laughed and laughed about it.. what on earth all those people must've thought looking at these two crazy foreigners bitching away over a sack of coffee – yes the coffe comes in a bag:)

All in all we had a great trip and i'm glad we stayed for longer – we definately made the most of it! My favourite thing though – was definitely sitting on the roof drinking Malaysian Whiskey – talking about the world..learning so much from Toogle, and laughing a mile a minute.. for instance Pelin – oh my darling Pelin, does not realize how funny she is.. we were all sitting there talking shit.. could you would could kill someone? etc and people are saying the norm things like, “Yes, If someone tried to kill my mother..” or something of that sort, but Pelin interjects – almost as if she was actually speaking to herself, "I'm always..just so afraid that I might kill someone by accident one day." ahahaha oh Pelin – ever the worry wort.

When we were all about to clink our glasses I asked Toogle, “Wait, how do you say cheers in Malay?” At that Tony's brilliant cackle overtook the rooftop, “There is no word for cheers, because we're not supposed to drink!” So we just said “Chok dee” instead. (Cheers in Thai.)


     All in all –a great trip! Definitely one for the books!
How funny are these signs they put in the bathrooms? :)

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