Monday, 27 August 2012

20. Goodbye Koh Phangan - it's been a trip of a lifetime!

It's official – I have finally left the Island! Toda Koh Phangan – and yes, I remember everything you taught me ;)

So the last time I wrote I was about to go off to “The Jungle Experience” which is an underground trance party in the jungle – but of coarse:) So I went, and boy did I have an experience all right!:) It was so magical, tripping my balls off with people from all over the world in this foreign country I now call home:) At one point none of us could remember each other's names so we just called each other by our countries,”Hurry up England, the wind is enjoying the joint!” “Netherlands, help me pee!” “Have some fuck bucket Australia!” “Can I have your scarf South Africa?” “No!!” I loved every minute with that scarf!:) My scarf and I became one..that we did indeed. In any event it was a night I’ll never forget – including the butch Thai woman who went mad and gave us a real knocking. Crazy bitch.

Anyhoo.. there is something about riding a scooter home in the morning after a party like that, that does wonders for me. The freedom. Aaaahh!!

The following day I was terribly worse for wear, but who can be feeling too bad when you can lay on a hammock and chill on the beach right? It actually started to pour with rain so badly that Klaura and I checked the internet and it said that it was going to pour buckets for the next week at least, and being on an Island like Koh Phangan is not exactly fun when it's like that – but when we saw that it was everywhere in Thailand we honestly considered leaving the country!:) “Maybe we should leave the country? Check the weather in Malaysia, or how about Indonesia?” I don't think I’ve ever felt so free! Knowing that if I wanted to, I could actually just leave the country. Fuck I’m loving my life:)

In any event, we decided to stick it out and booked two tickets to get back to Phuket on the Monday (today) and try have two last days of fun in what looked like terrible rain. Well, I think the universe was just trying to get me to book my ticket off the Island – actually get me off it:) Because as soon as those tickets were booked, the sun came out:) It was splendidilly because we spent the next two days exploring away! We went to the Amstardam Bar where you can chill and smoke as much dope as you like, drink beers, munch your munchies and watch the sun set over Koh Phangan. Bliss. We got such giggles and I found out some interesting things about this new German friend of mine..she ate a penis. A cow's penis. When she was eating it she didn't know what it was and so when she finished she asked,”This was delicious, what is it?” “A penis.” “A what?” “A cow's penis. Very good.” wow. Now that is one for the books:) She even said to me,”But it was really good, you should try it!” Ah! I think I’ll pass..:)

We also went on a trip all around the Island, on a long tail boat. The tour was called,”The munchies tour.” And we were pleasantly surprised by the entire package. We had a rasta guide, called “Petter Pan.” Who dished out massive fatties all afternoon and got us flying off to Neverland:) And got buckets of whiskey and sprite, and plenty of muchies:) We snorkeled and went on a hike to an amazing waterfall in Than Sadet. The funny thing was that he got us all super goofed and then took us on this hike, we were all like,”Dude, you should get us high after the hike and before the food. Not after the food and before the hike.” Nut none the less, it made the trip all the more hilarious and I was shocked at the amount of energy that strain gave me – incredible! All in all it was a great success, and we got to see so many beaches and travel all around the Island – it really is massive so it's a great way to get around it:)

This morning we left for Phuket – yes we. I have brought home a German friend:) Just like a took in a French one for a while...haha..God I love travelling. It fits. I feel like this is exactly where I am supposed to be and exactly what I’m supposed to be doing. I don't think I’ve ever felt like that before. And on that note – I’m going to retire, my belly is full of my favourite restaurant's food. My best ever, out of every place I’ve eaten in my whole life! I've been raving about it – the place itself, the people who work there, the music, the food, the prices..aaaalllll week to Klaura, so she had high expectations this evening – but they were met all right..she wants to go there every day – which is lucky since I do anyway:) Yay! Ok, time to read and sleep. Big day tomorrow, time to be a tour guide and show Klaura the best spots – and find some more – there's always more!:) And get a massage – after all the parties in Koh Phangan – we deserve one!

 Love to all!

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