Wednesday, 20 June 2012

9. Careful 'Bitch-person', nice people don't always finish last!

So, continuing from my last's what happened..needless to say, I'm simply delighted!

So an hour or so after Peter left,I go out, black bag in hand, to find me some pine cones. There is not one in sight. I turn to go home, and suddenly see the gardener out of the corner of my eye. He looks like he’s having a cigarette. I dash back into the house, grab some smokes, and head on over.

As friendly as ever, “Hi, I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Megan.”
“What’s your name?”
“Hi Wellington, nice to meet you. You work for Peter don’t you?”
(I can’t help but scoff at this comment.) “Of course. So, tell me, have you seen the pine cones?”
“Yes, I cleared them away.”
“How come? I’m just asking because in the five years we’ve lived here, you’ve never done that.”
“Angela told me to.”
“Oh, when?”
“Last week.”
“And what do you do with them?”
“Put them in a pile in her garden.”
“Sho! There must be hundreds!”
“Yes. She said she wants all of them.”
“Why is that?”
“She said for Christmas decorations.”
Hundreds of pine cones’ in June, for Christmas decorations? Now I have heard it all. I let out a long suffering sigh.
“Do you want them?”
“Yes we need them. We have always used them for our fire. But it seems Angela has decided to be Angela, and not let us have that joy.”
“She’s not a nice lady.”
“No Wellington, she is not.”
“I took all of the last pinecones and put them in a pile there, behind the wall. I have not put them with the others yet.”
I pause. Smile.
“Wellington, I think you and I are going to be friends.”
He smiles back.
“Oh, look. I have some smokes, here. Lord knows with a boss like that, you need them.”

He laughs, graciously accepts the cigarettes and I head for the secret stash, fill up two black bags and head on home. Smiling, I wave goodbye to my new ally.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, remember the egging days? Maybe you should check-out a chapter from the old playbook.


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