Thursday, 14 June 2012

2. Death by Robertson..*tisk tisk*

Note to self : NEVER start the day off on facebook. Big mistake. HUGE. Dunno why, but it’s super addictive, a serious time killer! Suddenly it was two o clock and i hadn’t moved, ok granted i only woke up at half past ten. But still. Really? Although i did go to bed at half past five. Just lay there. Insomnia rules. It is the strangest thing, as soon as the sun goes down, i wake up – Bang! Let’s blow this joint!:) Sun rises and there i am, using tooth picks to hold up my lids.

Anyway, as tired as i am – my mum has told me to train my sleeping self – push to stay awake by day – so can sleep at night - stuff!

It’s mummy’s birthday today! My bestie westie! Got her some pot plants – yellow flowers – the happy colour! They look good on the veranda. And some double choc chip muffins for celebratory purposes. She paid for all of this of course. : / When i told her she should be thanking herself for the gifts, she said, ”Don’t be silly! My money is your money. My money is Nunu's money (my sister) And how you choose to spend our money is what counts. I’m just grateful you did buy me a gift, rather than getting yourself a new scarf of something. ”

Isn’t she the cutest?

As far as mommies girl's go, i'm right up there! Not that that is always a good thing.  It has it’s down falls but it has it’s pro’s too– the fact that we are best friends and can share everything, make each other laugh and chat constantly – the poor dear is rather exhausted with having me here.. "Mush..i REALLY have to go to bed. I’ve got to get up at five.” “Oh please, just sit down Pludway." And so we chat for another hour. Be it steamed convo’s about this country, or philosophical chat’s about what happens to you when you die – we’ve got it covered. 

Suddenly it came to me..this blog might be the best thing that’s ever happened to my mother. I can discuss things here and so finally she won’t be coming home to a "topic blast" of mine, that goes something like this..

“So, what about afterlife huh? I mean, ghosts..are the real? Have you seen one? Do you think you can be friends with your ex? Should i cut a fringe? You know, Bones and Booth have really got to get their shit together! What do you think about the Kennedy assassinations, who do you think did it? You think Katie Holmes moves her eyebrows too much? You excited for Country Life? I don’t know what is going on with me, but I just can’t skip at the moment. So, tell me about your day.”

So do feel free to comment..share your thoughts and ideas here. J

Time to light a may be early but dammit JHB is fucking freezing. Excuse my French, but bloody hell, shiver me timbers!

Oh how the drama has just poured into the house. Turns out my Step Dad’s alcoholic sister got wasted and threatened to kill the head of communicable diseases today. Joy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. if there was a 'like' button I would push it

  3. I've invented a great big "like" button in front of me, and i'm keeping it down!

  4. This blog is a communicable disease. Why does your Mom call you Pludway?

  5. :) I call my mum Pludway. Spose cz i get tired of calling her Shnoofy Doofty Fluddy Wunddly, supremacy delight!! That must be it.


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